Friday, June 5, 2009

Feed Starving Children

Feed Starving Children

According to the UN, eighteen thousand children die daily from hunger. Yes, in our world—every day, even today. Every 3.6 seconds, someone dies from hunger. Faced with such overwhelming figures, it's hard to know where to start and how to help. You want to do something, but you don't know what.

Look no further than XanGo. Always focused on ways to give back, XanGo, LLC created a life-saving Meal Pack, a food concentrate available for purchase to be sent around the world. This Meal Pack

  • is guaranteed to save lives
  • will be sent directly to a country where it's most needed (Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda and others)

When you purchase a XanGo Goodness Meal Pack you will receive a card in the mail acknowledging your gift.

Meal Packs can also be purchased in the name of someone else or as a gift on behalf of someone else. With each purchase, you will receive a gifting card that can be sent out as a recognition of the gift.

Another child will die in the next 2 seconds because of hunger.

Thank you for caring.

XanGo Goodness

XanGo Goodness

"We represent more than products and profits. We represent a community, a group of responsible citizens. Our commitment to charitable giving is never limited by international boundaries. We give everywhere, in every way we can."
— Gordon Morton (XanGo, LLC Co-Founder)

Before XanGo was profitable, and before they even opened their doors, they made a pivotal decision. They decided that 7% of all net profits would go to charity.

This means that every bottle you buy and every time that you share XanGo® Juice with someone else, you are paying for the surgery of a child born with a cleft palate, helping to prevent the spread of disease in Africa and ensuring that homeless families are housed. And the list doesn’t stop there.

As sales have skyrocketed globally, XanGo's philanthropic program has significantly expanded. More than just “check-writing,” the XanGo Goodness mission is to raise social consciousness, mobilize resources, serve, support and improve communities in need.

Here are some of the charities you are helping:

  • Operation Kids
  • Hope Alliance
  • Desarollo Integral de la Familia
  • Farang Jai Dee
  • Yokohama Family House





About Me

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Age: 47 Gender: Male Astrological Sign: Gem Zodiac Year: Horse Occupation: Working from Home

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